This post is my Republican bashing one. I waited to post as not to jump the gun. But, I waited and waited for the media blitz and onslaught regarding this item, but it never came.
Let me clarify. This weekend, conservative political commentator Ann Coulter spoke at the American Conservative Union meeting, about Presidential candidates. Coulter’s words when it came to Democratic hopeful John Edwards, "I was going to have a few comments on the other Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards, but it turns out you have to go into rehab if you use the word faggot."
Excuse me?!?!?!!? Did I hear you right, Ann? Come again?
I could not believe my ears that someone who has the ear of the people and is on television, and is a supposed living breathing human being used that word on TV to describe someone who is running for the 2008 Democratic Presidential nomination.
In light of the recent Michael Richards of Seinfeld fame’s recent public flogging of using the “N-word”, I waited to see what kind of punishment the media and public would heap on Ann.
CBS and other mainstream news outlets did sound bites on it, but really nothing has come of it and here it is Tuesday evening and this happened on Friday. These items were merely blips on the media radar.
ARE YOU SERIOUS!?! I mean, Richards, while I am not defending his use of a word I l-o-a-t-h-e, was being verbally attacked during a performance and out of anger, verbally struck back, but in a wrong and racist way. Richards couldn’t have found any place in the world to hide from media cameras. He tried to publicly apologize to the African American community and explained how he was provoked, but was hounded for many days after and made headlines of even small, local newspapers and newscasts. Richards’ career as a stand-up comic and actor is barely salvageable at best.
Other pundits, including other conservations like Alan Colmes, on web blogs and news shows, have questioned Coulter. Republican Presidential Nominee hopefuls Sen. John McCain and Rudy Giuliani have even said she was wrong, but the outrage has never caught on like that of the Richards’ incident. And she still has a job … on TV!
Why? Is 1% More Conscious’ better half in her Outrage of the Week entry right? Are we already feeling a Dem-overkill months before the primaries so no one cares? Has the media been so over saturated with Hillary and Obama’s doings and feuding that people just don’t care? Or is it deeper than that? God, I hope not.
Let’s get something clear. Hate speech is hate speech. Coulter is trying to say she was joking. PLEASE! A joke makes people laugh and not nervously. Everyone, whether they know it or not, knows or is related to someone who is gay/lesbian. As an educator and a mother, I teach about tolerance and the fact that certain words need to be eliminated from their vocabulary. Ann, you are not helping fix the ignorance that is in this country.
If Ann is going to say these things and get away with them, I think she needs to go balls to the wall and show her true colors. She needs to go to her attic, open that dusty trunk, get out her white sheet and hood, and wear them. Hey, that’s who she is – a bigot who shoots her mouth off without having all the facts, doing as she please because she “knows” best, and is superior because of (in this case) her sexual orientation.
Hopefully, people will realize who and what Coulter really is (a crazy egomanic), and give her the boot to the curb.
I hope this is not a sign of things to come for the 2008 elections. Light a candle…
You will find that the coulter story may still hit the press in a big way...
Like the radical wingnut Malkin said:
"It's only a matter of time before the MSM goes nuts with the story. Report on the everyday progress in Iraq? Forget it. Sex, homosexuals, and the GOP? Get ready for wall-to-wall coverage a la Foley, Gannon, and Haggard."
Yep. Get ready for wall-to-wall coverage of this story... heh
All I can say is "Bring it on!" I love a good public flogging.
Thanks for the post
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