Well, I have to hand it to myself. I love when I talk about things and then the rest of the world catches up and/or agrees. My students know that this happens to me. Do you remember (if you live in SE New England) the cloudy and dreary November and December we had? Some of my students were reading Macbeth at the time as I explained how much the weather dictated the goings-on in Scotland. The weather turned for the better as soon as we were finished… but I digress…
Call it luck coincidence, dumb luck, kismet … whatever, but these things do happen often to me.
So, this AM after schlepping to the local grocery store for my typical Sunday ritual of getting food shopping done before the masses awake, I hunkered down with the Sunday paper. I pulled out the comics first, as I have done since I was old enough to read.
After giggling about the goings-ons with Opus and Dilbert, I turned the pages and read Doonesbury. Man oh man! If Trudeau isn’t a god already, now he is channeling me! ;) I mean come on! It is about the teenage girl in the strip (the name escapes me) wondering what she has to do to become like Paris Hilton.
Go to The Doonesbury Website
Check it out – but remember it was Sunday, Feb. 4, 2007’s comic. If the link doesn't bring you to the above described comic, I believe if you click previous, you will get to it.
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